New Chicago Consulting

A full-service consulting firm that gives you the tools
you need to win your campaign.

Contact Us


New Chicago Consulting is a full-service consulting firm with expertise in campaign development, political consulting, philanthropic fundraising, and public affairs. Our team has waged efforts at all levels of government and across the country, giving our clients the crucial edge to win.



Campaigns are successful when they have the resources to get their message out.
With our trained professionals at your side, you’ll learn cutting-edge fundraising techniques and gain vital advantages to bring in the resources your campaign needs.


In a fractured media environment, you need professionals who not only understand how the media works, but how to make the media work for you.  Whether communicating to a small audience or large, we break through.

Investigative Research

Information is power and in today’s campaign environment, you must seize every opportunity to learn key details about your opponent. Our highly-skilled team can acquire the information you need to win.

The Team

Tom Bowen

Managing Partner

Christina Nowinski Wurst

Managing Partner

Tracy Mayfield

Managing Partner

Briana Collins


Lily Gray

Finance Associate & Intern Coordinator

Maddie Jackson

Finance Associate

Anthony Nissen

Finance Associate

Sofia Rodriguez

IWILTA Program Director

Erin Schuler

Finance Associate

Morgan Tadish

Research Associate

Stefani (Xiaoqing) Yan

Finance Associate


Director of Morale


Senior Meowrale Associate


Morale Associate


Morale Associate


Morale Associate


Morale Associate


Morale Associate


Morale Associate


Morale Associate


Meowrale Associate

In loving memory of NCC's finest friend


In loving memory of Maddux
NCC's Finest Friend

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Our Work

Select Client Roster

  • House Majority PAC
  • National Democratic Training Committee
  • Illinois Democratic County Chairs's Association
  • Project 50
    Illinois Women's Institute for Leadership
    Training Academy
  • Chicago Latino Caucus Foundation
  • Chicago Aldermanic Black Caucus Foundation
    Congressman Bill Foster
    Chicago City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin
    Project 50
    House Majority PAC
  • Alderman Gilbert Villegas, Chair of the City of Chicago Latino Caucus
  • Alderman Jason C. Ervin, Chair of the City of Chicago Black Caucus
  • State Representative Margaret Croke
    State Representative Bob Morgan
    Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton
220 N. Green St.
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 448-8014